Blockley Lodge No. 6345

Interior Freemasons Hall London

Detail of the interior of Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London


Blockley Lodge holds its regular meetings monthly seven times per year from September to April with no meeting in December. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month and normally begin at 6:30 PM followed by a festive board (dinner). The Lodge also holds other special events throughout the year, including events to which Ladies and non-Masons are welcome.

Masonic visitors are warmly welcome to our Lodge meetings. Visitors new to the Lodge or from other masonic jurisdictions in amity with United Grand Lodge of England should normally have their Lodge Secretary contact the Secretary of Blockley Lodge by email.

Next Meeting



Our meetings are held at the Woodstock Masonic Hall. The address is The Masonic Hall, New Road, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1PD.

Lodge of Instruction Meetings (LOI)

All Lodge members who are Master Masons are welcome to the LOIs, especially those who are new to Masonry. The purpose of the LOI is to provide the brethren with the opportunity to become better versed in the ritual and symbolism of Freemasonry and to able to practice this ritual in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.

Blockley Lodge Crest